
The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are there bumps in your path? Use them to climb higher! We can’t avoid the bumpy spots on life’s path, but we can make the most of them. In The Bumps Are What You Climb On, trusted Bible teacher Warren W. Wiersbe offers solid hope and comfort for those times when you are faced with frustration, depression, disappointment, or loneliness. With wisdom straight from God’s Word, these 30 brief and...

from the people he loved. Imagine if you will this old man who had faithfully served Christ, now alone in exile, suffering for his faith. And yet, when he writes a book, it is not about himself and his trials; it is about Jesus Christ and His triumphs. He doesn’t write, “Woe is me, Caesar is on the throne.” That’s not the language of faith! No, John writes, “Allelujah: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth”! It may seem that the throne of the universe is empty, but it isn’t. God is still on the throne.
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